You must complete Reproduction in Farm Animals to unlock this Lesson.



Terminologies in Reproduction

  1. Parturition
  2. Lactation
  3. Colostrum
  4. Weaning
  5. Dystocia
  6. Flushing
  7. Foetus or Embryo
  8. Steam Up



Parturition is act of giving birth in farm animals. It marks the end of pregnancy when the child comes out of the body of the female animals. It marks the beginning of lactation. The act of parturition varies with farm animals.

Signs of Approaching Parturition

  • Enlargement of mammary glands
  • Vulva swells and becomes soft
  • Thick mucus discharge
  • Animal urinates frequently
  • Animal builds nest and beds
  • Loss of appetite
  • The animal becomes restless, lies down and gets up frequently.



This is the release of milk from the udder of a female animal immediately after parturition. The milk contains immunoglobulin and antibodies for protection of the young against diseases. It is under the influence of hormones such as oxytocin, oestrogen, prolactin, etc. Lactation or milk let-down can be increased, or if the female animal refuses to produce milk, the animal can be injected with oxytocin injection.

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