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Marking Guide for Biology Practical SS2

1.(a) (i) Identify specimens A, C, D and F with reasons.

Specimen A: Orange fruit.

Reason: It is a berry fruit.

Specimen C: Tridax procumbens

Reason: It is an annual weed.

Specimen D: Elephant grass.

Reason: It has parallel venation.

Specimen F: Cassava stem.

Reason: It has nodes.

(1 × 8 = 8 marks)


1.(a) (ii) Cut specimen A transversely, make a diagram (8-10cm) long and label.

SS2 First Term Biology Practical (Marking Guide) - Diagram of Transverse Section of an Orange

Diagram of a transverse section of specimen A.

TL: (1 mark)

NL: (1 mark)

CL: (1 mark)

SZ: (1 mark)

Mg: (×½ – ×2): (1 mark)


Cut surface (CS) with double lines: (1 mark)

Placenta shown (PS): (1 mark)

Seed shown (SS): (1 mark)

Labels (LB): Epicarp, Mesocarp, Endocarp   (2 marks)

(10 marks)


1.(b) (i) two observable similarities of Specimens C and D.

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