Uses of Crops

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<h1><strong>USES OF CROPS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Uses of Crops</li> <li>Uses of Crop by-products</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Uses of Crops</strong></h2> There are many uses of crops. These include: <ol> <li>Provision of food for humans</li> <li>It provides shelter (houses) for people to live.</li> <li>Clothing materials are made from crop materials e.g. cotton.</li> <li>Crops planted can be used to control erosion.</li> <li>Some crops are used as ornamentals such as flower to decorate and beautify our surroundings.</li>

Meaning and Factors of Agricultural Production: Land; Water

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<h1><strong>FACTORS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Production</li> <li>Meaning of Factors of Production</li> <li>Factors of Production</li> <li>Meaning and Characteristics of Land</li> <li>Importance of Land in Agriculture</li> <li>Meaning of Water as a Factor of Production</li> <li>Importance of Water in Agricultural production</li> <li>Sources of Water for Agricultural Purposes</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Production</strong></h2> Production is the process of manufacturing goods and providing services. <strong>OR</strong> Production refers to all economic activities which result in the creation of goods and services. <h2><strong>Meaning of Factors of Production</strong></h2> <strong>Factors of production </strong>are those resources needed to achieve production. <strong>OR</strong> For goods and services to be created during the process of production, certain factors have to come together. These resources or factors that are combined for goods and services to be produced are known as factors of production. <h2><strong>The Factors of Production</strong></h2> The factors of production are:

Meaning, Types and Characteristics of Farm Animals

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<h1><strong>MEANING, TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FARM ANIMALS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Farm Animals</li> <li>Types of Farm Animals</li> <li>Characteristics of Farm Animals</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Farm Animals</strong></h2> Farm animals are animals that are reared by man for different purposes such as food supply, income generation, clothing materials, etc. Examples include goats, sheep, rabbits, poultry, cattle, pigs, fish, snails, etc. <h2><strong>Types of Farm Animals</strong></h2> The following are the forms of farm animals: <ol> <li>Work animals</li> <li>Dairy animals</li> <li>Guard animals</li> <li>Poultry</li> <li>Pets</li> <li>Aquatic animals</li> </ol> <h3>1. <strong>Work Animals</strong>:</h3> These are animals that are used for work on the farm. They are used for carrying loads, ploughing, harrowing and ridging e.g cattle, [Sokoto Gudali, White Fulani], (in forms of bull and bullock). Such animals are called <strong>draught animals.</strong> The normal output of a working bull is about 500W compared to that of a man which about 75W. Work animals are also used for transportation and carrying of load e.g. horses, camels and donkeys. Such animals are referred to as <strong>beasts of burden.</strong> They have the ability to survive or travel long distance without water. <h4><strong>Characteristics of Work Animals</strong></h4> The following are the characteristics of work animals: <ol> <li>They are well built with good body conformation.</li> <li>They can survive or travel long distance without water.</li> <li>They are rugged and have very great strength.</li> <li>They have strong hind limbs.</li> <li>They are docile and tolerant.</li> </ol> <img class="size-full wp-image-32367 aligncenter" src="" alt="Farm Animals - Work animals - bull" width="304" height="208" />

Factors of Production: Labour

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<h1><strong>THE FACTORS OF PRODUCTION: LABOUR </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Labour</li> <li>Characteristics of Labour</li> <li>Forms/Sources of Labour Available to Farmers</li> <li>Importance of Labour in Agricultur</li> <li>Agricultural Activities that Require Labour</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Labour</strong></h2> Labour refers to all forms of human effort (mental and physical) put into production of goods and services. <img class="size-full wp-image-36133 aligncenter" src="" alt="Factors of Production - Labour" width="354" height="230" /> <h2><strong>Characteristics of Labour</strong></h2> The characteristics of labour include the following: <ol> <li>Labour is mobile</li> <li>Labour has feelings and emotions and cannot be used anyhow.</li> <li>It is a variable and not a fixed asset.</li>

Characteristic Features of Some Farm Animals and their Distribution in Nigeria

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<h1><strong>Characteristic Features of Some Farm Animals and their Distribution in Nigeria</strong></h1> CONTENT Characteristics and Distribution of; <ol> <li>Cattle</li> <li>Cheep</li> <li>Goats</li> <li>Pigs</li> <li>Rabbits</li> <li>Poultry</li> <li>Horses</li> </ol> <img class="size-full wp-image-32371 aligncenter" src="" alt="Characteristics and distribution of farm animals in Nigeria" width="466" height="157" />   <h2><strong>Basic Characteristic Features of Farm Animals</strong></h2> Farm animals have certain basic features that make them belong to a particular group. These characteristics help to differentiate them from other forms of animals and also enable some of the animals to adapt to their natural habitat. Examples of farm animals include: <strong>Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Poultry, Rabbit, Fish, Snails, Guinea pig, Donkeys and Horses.</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> refers to where they can be found, or where they are commonly reared. The types of farm animals found in Nigeria, whether local or exotic (imported) are as follows:

Factors of Production: Capital

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<h1><strong>FACTORS OF PRODUCTION - CAPITAL </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Capital (Money)</li> <li>Characteristics of Capital</li> <li>Types of Capital/Assets</li> <li>Differences between Fixed Capital and Working Capital</li> <li>Importance of Capital in Agriculture</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Capital (Money)</strong></h2> Capital refers to all man-made productive assets which are used in production e.g. hoes, plough, farm building, cash etc. <strong>OR </strong> These are assets made by man to enable him to produce goods and services. <h2><strong>Characteristics of Capital</strong></h2> The following are the characteristics of capital:

Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria

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<h1><strong>FACTORS AFFECTING THE DISTRIBUTION OF LIVESTOCK IN NIGERIA</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria</li> <li>Table Showing Terms Associated With Some Farm Animals</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria</strong></h2> The population of certain kinds of farm animal is more in certain areas than in others. There are factors responsible. Up to 80% of grazing livestock is to be found in the savanna zone of northern Nigeria. This is because of the following factors: 1. <strong>Food/Availability of good pasture</strong>: This constitutes the bulk of the feed of livestock. Large expanse of grassland is abundant in northern Nigeria, and for this reason there is greater population of cattle, sheep and goats, which graze on the pasture grasses and legumes found in this area than in southern Nigeria. 2.<strong> Climate: </strong>Animal production is usually affected adversely by too hot or too cold weather conditions. For instance, pigs do not have sweat glands, so they do not perspire; rearing them in a hot climate will greatly reduce their efficiency. Moreover, the growth and multiplication of pests and diseases is also encouraged by high temperature and rainfall, and this hinders the growth and performance of livestock.

Factors of Production: Entrepreneur or Management

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<h1><strong>FACTORS OF PRODUCTION - ENTREPRENEUR OR MANAGEMENT</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Entrepreneur or Management</li> <li>Characteristics of Management</li> <li>Importance of Entrepreneur or Management in Agricultural Production</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Entrepreneur or Management</strong></h2> An entrepreneur or management refers to the person or group of persons who organize, co-ordinate and control the use of other factors of production. This is the person responsible for directing the affairs of the farm’s administration. He is the farm manager and the ultimate risk bearer. He takes important managerial decisions involving:

Classification of Farm Animals based on Size and Habitat

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<h1><strong>CLASSIFICATION OF FARM ANIMALS BASED ON SIZE AND HABITAT </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Classification of Farm Animals based on Size and Habitat</li> <li>Classification of Farm Animals based on Habitat</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification of Farm Animals</strong></h2> Farm animals are classified based on the following criteria: <ol> <li>The size of the animal</li> <li>The habitat</li> <li>The stomach types/digestion</li> <li>The modes of reproduction</li> <li>The feeding pattern</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification based on the Size of Animal</strong></h2> This refers to the body size. It is further divided into two <ol> <li>Large farm animals</li> <li>Small farm animals</li> </ol> <h3><strong>Large Farm Animals</strong></h3> These are animals with large body sizes. Examples are cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, camels, horses, donkeys, etc. <img class="size-full wp-image-32367 aligncenter" src="" alt="Farm Animals - Work animals - bull" width="304" height="208" />

Classification of Animals based on Mode of Reproduction

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<h1><strong>CLASSIFICATION OF FARM ANIMALS BASED ON MODE OF REPRODUCTION</strong></h1> CONTENT Classification of Farm Animals based on Mode of Reproduction <ol> <li>Mammals</li> <li>Non-mammals</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification of Farm Animals based on Mode of Reproduction</strong></h2> Using this criteria, farm animals can be classified into two groups, which are: <ul> <li>Mammals (viviparous farm animals)</li> <li>Non-mammals (oviparous farm animals)</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Mammals </strong></h3> Mammals are animals that give birth to their young ones alive and have their bodies covered with hair or fur.

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