Family Health: Nutrition
<h1><strong>FAMILY HEALTH - NUTRITION </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Meaning of Nutrition</li> <li>Meaning of Food</li> <li>Classes of Food</li> <li>Balanced Diet</li> </ol> <h2><strong>The Meaning of Nutrition</strong></h2> Nutrition is the act of obtaining food by living things. It is one of the characteristics of living things. <h2><strong>Meaning of Food</strong></h2> What is food? Food is any substance that is taken to nourish the body and to meet physiological needs for growth, energy and to maintain all processes. <h2><strong>Classes of Food</strong></h2> The food we eat can be grouped into following classes based on the nutrient derived from it. Nutrient is a group of chemical compounds found in food. There are six classes of food, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fat and oil, minerals salt, vitamins and water. <img class="aligncenter wp-image-19608 size-full" src="" alt="Nutrition - classes of food" width="346" height="268" /> <h3><strong>Carbohydrates</strong></h3> These are energy giving foods e.g rice, yam, maize, cassava, wheat, bread, potato, etc. Excess intake of carbohydrate foods can lead to diseases such as diabetes, beriberi etc.