Common Types of Ornamental Plants
<h1>COMMON TYPES OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Types of Ornamental Plants According to their Uses</li> <li>Settings and Location for Planting Each Type of Ornamental Plant</li> </ol> <h2>Types of Ornamental Plants According to their Uses</h2> <strong>Ornamental plants</strong> can be used differently due to the different nature and unique features exhibited by these plants. Based on the different uses ornamental plants can be classified into: 1.<strong> Hedging plants:</strong> These are mainly shrubs and trees often used as hedges in gardens, homes, offices or similar structures. Examples of such plants are: <ul> <li>Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)</li> <li>Alamanda (Allamanda cathartica)</li> <li>Wild Rose (Rosa aciculris)</li> <li>Hibiscus (Hibiscus spp)</li> <li>Ixora (Ixora coccinea)</li> <li>Crotons (Codiaeum variagatum)</li> </ul> 2. <strong>Bedding plants: </strong>These are mostly flowering plants used for decorative or commercial purposes in hones or gardens. An example is