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  1. Sources of Capital for a Limited Liability Company
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Limited Companies


Sources of Capital for a Limited Liability Company

The following are sources of capital open to limited liability companies:

(i) Loans and Overdraft: These can be obtained from the bank by the company to finance their operations

(ii) Retained earnings or plough back profit: The profit made by the company can be set aside for re-investment.

(iii) Credit purchase: Raw material can be purchased by the company on credit.

(iv) Hire purchase: Companies can be granted hire purchase facility by the seller to acquire some of their assets.

(v) Equipment leasing: Companies can lease some of their equipment from a given leaser and make payment through rental payment through rental payment.

(vi) Sales of shares – Public limited liability companies can raise capital by issuing shares to the public through the stock exchange

(vii) Sale of debenture: These are long-term loans obtained form the general public at a fixed interest

(viii) Bill of Exchange: This is a document duly signed by debtors bank to the creditors and the creditor cashes the money with some documents.

Lesson tags: Commerce Lesson Notes, Commerce Objective Questions, SS2 Commerce, SS2 Commerce Evaluation Questions, SS2 Commerce Evaluation Questions First Term, SS2 Commerce First Term, SS2 Commerce Objective Questions, SS2 Commerce Objective Questions First Term
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