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  1. Marketing Outlets
  2. Sources of Funding
  3. Ways of Marketing Art Products
  4. Determining Price of Artworks


The marketing of art products is unique because artworks have no fixed prices like any other products. A lot of factors determine the price of an artwork. One of these factors is the level or standard of the artist. For example, a well-known artist would give a higher price than an unknown one.

Sources of Funding Art Production

These are some sources of funding art business:

  1. Non-governmental organizations: There are non-governmental organization that committed to the growth of art in the country. They are ready to finance exhibition, production as well as marketing of genuine artworks.
  2. Individual savings: Personal income saved over a period of time can be used as start-up capital for the business.
  3. Parents and relatives: Capitals can be raised by borrowing from parents, friends and relatives.
  4. Financial institutions: Capitals can be obtained as a form of loans from banks to fund art business.

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Third Term
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