The Fore-runner of Jesus
Mark 1:1-8; LK 3:1-20
A forerunner is one who prepares the way for another person greater than himself. Before Jesus started his ministry, God sent John the Baptist as his forerunner. As the forerunner, John’s work was to prepare the minds of the people by preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He called upon all the people to repent from their sins. John told them that they should not think because they had Abraham as their father, they need no repentance. Everybody needs repentance and forgiveness of sins.
All the people who listened to John felt sorry for their sins. They confessed all their sins to John who then baptized them in the River Jordan. He dipped them into the water, and the water covered them. They rose out of the water as new people ready to live repentant lives. The people asked him what they should do.
John advised the ordinary people who were selfish and lacked love to show love and kindness to one another by sharing what they had with those who had none.
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