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  1. Right angled triangle (Revision).
  2. Relationship between right angle triangles and trigonometric ratios.
  3. Sine, cosine and tangent of acute angles using tables.
  4. Applications of trigonometric ratios to finding distances and lengths.


Right-Angled Triangle

A right angled triangle has one of its angles equal to 90o. That is, if a triangle has one of its three angles equal to 90o then it is a right angled triangle. A little square at the corner (angle) signifies that the angle is 90o.

Trigonometry - Right angled triangle

Right Angled Triangle and the Trigonometric Ratios

A trigonometric ratio is a ratio of the lengths of any two sides of a right-angled triangle. The longest side is called the Hypotenuse, the side facing the required angle is called the opposite and the last side is called the adjacent.

Trigonometry - right-angled triangle and the trigonometric ratios

The three trigonometric ratios are Sine (sin), Cosine (cos) and Tangent (tan).

Lesson tags: JSS3 Mathematics, JSS3 Mathematics Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Mathematics Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Mathematics First Term, JSS3 Mathematics Objective Questions, JSS3 Mathematics Objective Questions First Term, Mathematics Lesson Notes, Mathematics Objective Questions
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