1. Whole Numbers in Standard Form
  2. Decimal Numbers in Standard Form
  3. Changing from Standard Form to Ordinary Numbers
  4. Indices


Whole Numbers in Standard Form

A number is said to be in standard form if it is expressed in the form of \(A × 10^n\). Where \(1< A < 10\) and \(n\) is an integer (positive or negative whole numbers). Standard form is very useful in the field of sciences and social sciences for easy presentations and analysis. Examples of numbers in standard form include \(4 × 10^9\), \(5.8 × 10^2\), \(5.62 × 10^4\), etc.


1. Write the following in standard form:

(a) \(90 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000\)

(b) \(6 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000\)

(c) \(34256.189\)

(d) \(879.45\)


(a) \(90 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 = 9 × 10 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000\)

\(= 9 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10\)

\(= 9 × 10^7\)

(b) \(6 × 1000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000 \text{ } 000\)

\(= 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10\) \(× 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10\) \(× 10 × 10 × 10 × 10\)

\(= 6 × 10^{18}\)

(c) \(34256.189 = 3.4256189 × 10 \text{ } 000\)

\(= 3.4256189 × 10^4\)

(d) \(879.45 = 8.7945 × 100\)

\(= 8.7945 10 × 10\)

\(= 8.7945 × 10^2\)


Lesson tags: JSS2 Mathematics, JSS2 Mathematics Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Mathematics Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Mathematics First Term, JSS2 Mathematics Objective Questions, JSS2 Mathematics Objective Questions First Term, Mathematics Lesson Notes, Mathematics Objective Questions
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