Construction of Lettering (Project)
<h1><strong>TYPES OF CRAFT</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Crafts</li> <li>Types of Crafts</li> <li>Uses of Craft</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Meaning of Crafts</strong></h2> Crafts are manually-produced objects meant to serve a particular purpose of human needs. They can also be called handicraft. This is so because the use of skilled hand is involved. They are usually produced with local materials. The person who makes craft is known a craftsman. <h2><strong>Types of Crafts</strong></h2> The following are the types of crafts: <h3><strong>Fabric Crafts</strong></h3> Fabric crafts are crafts done with fabric material. It is also known as textile production. Methods of production could be by printing, weaving, tie & dyeing, batik and embroidery. Materials involve include fabric, loom, dye, textile ink, sewing machine, wax, etc. Examples include <ol> <li>Woven clothes (Aso-oke),</li> <li>Tie-dye design,</li> <li>Textile prints (Nigerian wax),</li> <li>Fashion design,</li> <li>Appliqué,</li> <li>Embroidery,</li> <li>Batik</li> </ol> Fabric crafts are common in Iseyin, Abeokuta, Kano, Osogbo, Akwete, Adinkra and Kente in Ghana. <h3><strong>Paper Crafts</strong></h3>
<h1><strong>FUNCTIONS OF DRAMA</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Instructive Functions</li> <li>Educative Functions</li> <li>Informative Functions</li> <li>Entertainment Functions</li> <li>Therapeutic Functions</li> </ol> The roles of drama ranges from instructive, educative, informative, entertaining, therapeutic, social and cultural to religious and political experiences. <h2><strong>Instructive Functions</strong></h2> <ol> <li>It enables us to learn about ourselves, our society and about life in general.</li> <li>It teaches us to reflect on life’s actions and experiences</li> <li>It exposes life’s actions and experiences through performances on stage.</li> <li>It encourages us to choose the good and discard the bad aspects of life.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Educative Functions</strong></h2> <ol>
<h1><strong>TIE AND DYE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Tie and Dye</li> <li>Location of Tie and Dye Centres in Nigeria</li> <li>Methods in Tie and Dye</li> <li>Materials and Tools for Tie and Dye</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Definition of Tie and Dye</strong></h2> Tie and dye is defined as the process of decorating or creating patterns on fabric materials through tying, stitching, clamping or any other method in order to resist the absorption of dye solution. <h2><strong>Location of Tie and Dye Centres in Nigeria</strong></h2> <ol> <li>KANO - pit dyeing</li> <li>ABEOKUTA - batik process</li> <li>OSOGBO - indigo dyeing</li> </ol> <strong>EVALUATION</strong> <ol> <li>Define tie and dye.</li> <li>Name 4 methods of tie-dye.</li> <li>List 3 locations of tie-dye in Nigeria.</li> </ol>
<h1><strong>TYPES OF DRAMA; FORMS OF DRAMA</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Types of Drama</li> <li>Forms of Drama</li> <li>The Director</li> <li>Duties of the Play Directors</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Types of Drama</strong></h2> There are two basic types of drama namely: <ol> <li>Scripted</li> <li>Non-scripted.</li> </ol> Scripted drama means a written play while non-scripted means an unwritten play. <br> <h2><strong>Forms of Drama</strong></h2> <ol> <li>Comedy</li> <li>Tragedy</li> <li>Mask Drama</li> <li>Dance Drama</li> <li>Musical Drama (Opera)</li> <li>Dramatized Drama</li> <li>Mime</li> </ol> <h3><strong>Comedy</strong></h3> This is a drama that is funny and humorous. Examples are “the new Masquerade”, Papa Ajasco” and “osofia in london” . <h3><strong>Tragedy</strong></h3> This is the opposite of comedy. This is a serious drama (play) with a sad theme. It involves a heroic struggle that ends sadly. Good examples are: dramatized versions of ‘<u>Things fall apart’</u> by Chinua Achebe and "T<u>he gods are not to blame"</u> by Ola Rotimi. <h3><strong>Mask Drama</strong></h3>