- Symptoms of Diseases in Farm Animals
- Predisposing Factors to Farm Animal Diseases
Symptoms of Diseases in Farm Animals
The following are the symptoms of diseases in farm animals:
- Loss of appetite (anorexia)
- Persistent coughing
- Watery, foul smelling, or abnormal faeces
- Rough skin or coat
- Discharge from the eyes, nostril or mouth
- Discomfort and general inactiveness
- Loss of body weight (emaciation)
- Paleness
- Isolation
- Ruffled feather or rough hairs or coat
- Swelling of joint
- Increase in body temperature
- Diarrhea
- Anaemia
- Difficult breathing
- Excessive salivation
- Gnashing of teeth
- Slow movement among the herd
- Death
Predisposing Factors to Farm Animal Diseases
1. Poor nutrition (Malnutrition)
One major factor which predisposes an animal factor which predisposes an animal to a disease is poor or sub-optimal nutritional status. Mouldy or poorly processed feed could lead to diseases.
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