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Definition of Database

A database is a collection of related data about a particular subject that is organized in a way that it can be easily stored, accessed, managed, and updated to meet a particular goal.

It is always set up for a special purpose like students’ records, inventory, address book etc. This database has a particular software that could be used to perform the above functions e.g. Paradox, MS Access, Dbase etc.

A database is composed of several tables.

You need to create separate tables to store different types of data. For example, if you have a School Management Software, you may need to create the following tables:

  1. Students – to store list of all students
  2. Educators – to create list of all educators.
  3. Address – to store the addresses of students and educators.
  4. Grades – to store the mark scores of all students.

A table is a single store of related information. A table consists of records, and each record is made up of a number of fields.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies, JSS3 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Computer Studies First Term, JSS3 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies Objective Questions First Term
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