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  1. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues
  2. Chemical Wastes
  3. Industrial Pollutants
  4. Roles of Local Government in Preventing Chemical Degradation


Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

Human activities and industrialization have led to the occurrence of wastes in our environment today. These wastes pollute the air and negatively affect respiration and photosynthesis process. Water and land are also affected by the generation of chemical wastes resulting in various health hazards and at times death. Mostly affected are cities and highly industrialized environment. It is therefore important for government to put to check environmental pollution by laws regulations that will guide industries and individuals in waste generation disposal and management. These laws and regulations should be enforced to the letter so as to have environment and healthy citizens.


Chemical Wastes

Unwanted materials that are generated from homes, offices industries, factories and are chemical in nature are called chemical waste.

Categories of Chemical Wastes

Chemical wastes are categorized into two namely: waste from combustion (ii) wastes from other sources.

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