(Matthew 13:34-35. 1-9, 18-23. 13:24-30, 36-43. Luke 15:11-32. 15:3-7. 15:8-10)
- Meaning of Parable
- Why Jesus Taught in Parables
Meaning of Parable
Parable is simply an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Parable is a short simple story that teaches a moral or religious lesson.
It is a way Christ adopted to teach from the known to the unknown in an interesting way so that his audience could understand. The aim of every parable is to make learning easier for learners.
It is an effective method of revealing truth to the spiritual and ready mind at the same time, concealing it from others who are not interested.
Why Jesus Taught in Parables (Matthew 13:34-35)
Most of Christ’s teachings were in parables. Jesus taught in parables so that as we are familiar with the story, we might through this understand clearly and obey Him.
Summarily, Jesus taught in parables for the following reasons:
- Jesus taught in parables in order to catch the attention of his audience.
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