You must complete JSS2 English Studies First Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Types of Vowels (Monophthongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs)
  2. Comprehension: Do you have a goal?
  3. Structure: Tenses (Present, Past, Future)
  4. Composition: Narrative Essay (A Village Market)
  5. Literature: Figures of Speech – Irony, Paradox and Oxymoron


ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Monophthongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs

Introduction to Monophthongs, Diphthongs and Triphthongs

All languages have monophthongs and many languages have diphthongs, but triphthongs are relatively rare. English has all three types: the vowel sound in “hit” is a monophthong /ɪ/, the vowel sound in “boy” is a diphthong /ɔɪ/, and the vowel sounds of “flower”, /aʊə(r)/, is a triphthong.


A monophthong is a vowel sound whose quality doesn’t change over the duration of the vowel. Monophthongs are sometimes called “pure” or “stable” vowels. e.g. /e/, /u:/, /I/,/ə/, /æ/, /ↄ:/


A diphthong is a vowel sound that glides from one quality to another. It is also referred to as a two-quality sound. There are eight of them in British English /ei/, /ai/, /ↄi/, /eə/, /ʊә/, /aʊ /, /iә/, /әʊ/


A triphthong is a vowel sound that glides successively through three qualities.

Lesson tags: English Studies Lesson Notes, English Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 English Studies, JSS2 English Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 English Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 English Studies First Term, JSS2 English Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 English Studies Objective Questions First Term
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