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  1. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
  2. Significance of Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

When Paul returned from his second missionary journey, he stayed briefly in Antioch of Syria. He left there, went through the regions of Galatia and Phrygia strengthening the disciples. Paul’s third missionary journey took him to Ephesus. Paul came to Ephesus as he had promised during his previous visit to them. Hence, Paul’s second visit to Ephesus marked the beginning of his third missionary journey. Paul stayed for two years in Ephesus and succeeded in converting some of the Ephesians. He met twelve disciples there who had never heard of baptism with the Holy Spirit. He explained to them, laid his hands on them, they received the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and prophesied. He taught boldly in their Synagogue, God did many miracles, people believed in Jesus and those that practise magic brought out their books on magic and burned them.

In Ephesus, there was a great temple to the Greek goddess Artemis which was a national deity to all the Ephesians.

Lesson tags: Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Lesson Notes, Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS), JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Second Term
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