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Homeostatic Organs: Substance Involved in Homeostasis

The Kidney

  1. Structure of the Kidney
  2. Functions of the Kidney
  3. Diseases of the Kidney
  4. The Effects of Kidney Diseases and Remedies


Homeostatic Organs: Substance Involved in Homeostasis

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a steady internal environment in an organism. Internal conditions such as glucose level, salt concentration, osmotic pressure, body temperature, ionic concentration of substances like sodium ion (Na+ ), potassium ion (K+) and hydrogen ion (H+) (and others like Ca2+, Cl) are kept under control.

For example, when glucose level in the blood shoot up above the optimum, homeostasis ensures that some of it is withdrawn from the blood and converted to glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscle. Another example is when there is insufficient (Ca2+) calcium ion in the diet of a pregnant woman, the homeostatic process can deplete from her bones as a last resort.

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