You must complete Reproductive Systems in Vertebrates: Birds and Mammals to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Structures and Functions of the Reproductive Organs of Plants
  2. Arrangement of Reproductive Organs of Different Plants
  3. Types of Flowers (i) Hypogenous and (ii) Perigynous
  4. Kinds of Placentation


Structures and Functions of the Reproductive Organs of Plants

The flower is the major reproductive organ of the flowering plant. Flowers exist in different sizes, shapes, colours and patterns of arrangements.

A flower is a cluster of modified leaves carried on a reduced stem called flower stalk or pedicel. The flower is made up of four floral parts. These are;

  1. Sepals (calyx)
  2. Petals (corolla)
  3. Stamen (androecium)
  4. Carpel (gynoecium)

The structures and their functions are as listed below:

1. Sepals (Calyx): This consists of a circular outermost layer of leaf-like structures called sepals which are fixed to the receptacles. Sepals protect the flower during the bud stage. They are mostly greenish are also photosynthetic. Some sepals are brightly coloured and look like petals (petaloids).

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