CONTENT- Musical Alphabets - Clef and Names of Staves
- Musical Notes
- Types of Musical Notes
- Relationship of Musical Notes
- Major Scale of C Natural
- Uses of Music.
Musical Alphabets - Clef and Names of Staves
There are seven musical letters, namely: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. These seven letters are called the musical alphabets. They are used to write music.Definition of Clef
A clef can be defined as a musical symbol (sign) written at the beginning of the staff. There are two major types of clef namely: Treble clef and Bass clef. The symbols for treble clef is The symbol for Bass clef is G clef is also called Treble clef. When G clef sign is placed on the staff, the staff automatically becomes treble staff.You are viewing an excerpt of this lesson. Subscribing to the subject will give you access to the following:
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