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  1. Definition of Scale
  2. Types of Scale

Definition of Scale

The word scale comes from the Latin word “scala”. It means ladder. The first seven letters of the English alphabet A-G are used to express the different sounds in use. Scales refer to a series of notes that go in an ascending and descending manner. The Major scale is the foundation from which all other scales are formed. C major scale begins with a C and ends with a C. The same rule applies with the rest of the keys where a D Major Scale begins and ends with a D, F Major Scale begins with an F and ends with an F and so on. The notes on a major scale is numbered from 1 to 8, this signifies the intervals.

Types of Scale

The types of scales are;

Lesson tags: JSS1 Music, JSS1 Music Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Music Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Music Objective Questions, JSS1 Music Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Music Third Term, Music Lesson Notes, Music Objective Questions
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