- Meaning of Communication
- Importance of Communication
- Forms or Types of Communication
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication
Meaning of Communication
Communication is the act of sending and receiving information, feelings, ideas and opinions from one person to another through different media. Communication is a two way process which involve sending information and receiving feedback. Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another.
Importance of Communication
Communications are important to commerce because of the following.
(i) They make internal trade possible
(ii) They make international trade possible
(iii) Communications break cultural barriers so that people of various ethnic nationalities are able to understand themselves better.
(iv) Communication help to link the producer and the consumer thereby making distribution of goods and services effective.
(v) Communication is the life wire of today’s business organization. No business can exist without effective communication.
(vi) Communication has made transportation as an aid to trade efficient.
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