Drama and Theatre for Development
This type of drama highlights community issues and problems in order to motivate them to carry out self-help programmes rather than always wait for the government to do everything for them.
Theatre for development (TfD) means live performance or theatre used as a development tool- as in international development. This is theatre practiced with the people or by the people as a way of empowering communities, listening to their concerns, and then encouraging them to voice and solve their own problems. It is also refer to as popular theatre which aim is to make the people not only aware of but also active participants in the development process by expressing their viewpoints and acting to better their conditions.
TfD encompasses the following activities, with people or puppets before an audience.
- A spoken word drama or comedy
- A music, singing and/or dance production
- A production with movement but no sound (mime)
- A participatory or improvisational technique using any or all of these.
How Drama and Theatre Can Help the People in Rural Communities
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