Meaning of Embroidery

Embroidery is the art of making designs on cloth with colorful threads. It is a craft for both men and women. This craft is done mostly on textile surface with needle and colorful threads. Embroidery is practiced on a large scale in many African countries like Nigeria among communities of the Hausa/Fulani, Nupe, Yoruba, Igbo etc.


Types of Embroidery

There are two types of embroidery;

  1. Handicraft and
  2. Machine produced embroidery. Materials needed are needle, threads, paper or carbon paper.


Sources of Embroidery

Embroidery designs are derived from

  1. nature,
  2. flowers,
  3. environment and
  4. Spider works.



  1. What is embroidery?
  2. List two materials for embroidery design.


Methods of Transferring Design

  1. Draw the design on paper.
  2. Place carbon in between the paper and the cloth
  3. Transfer the design by tracing it.

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts First Term, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions First Term
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