1. The Major Cardinal Points
  2. True North and Magnetic North
  3. Magnetic Variation
  4. Angular Bearing and Compass Direction


The Major Cardinal Points

The major cardinal points are four. They are North, South, East and West. They are usually referred to as four-cardinal points.

Map Reading and Interpretation: Direction and Bearing - Major Cardinal Points - Four Cardinal Points

Four Cardinal Points

There are other intermediate points of the compass based upon and named from cardinal points. They are eight-cardinal points and sixteen-cardinal points. All are used to locate direction of a place on the earth.

Direction and Location of Physical and Cultural Features within the Town/Village - Eight Cardinal Points Compass

Eight Cardinal Points

Direction and Location of Physical and Cultural Features within the Town/Village - Sixteen Cardinal Points Compass

Sixteen Cardinal Points

True North and Magnetic North

True north (geodetic north) is the direction along the earth’s surface towards the geographic North Pole while “Magnetic north” is the direction that your compass tells you is north. The compass, because it has a magnetic needle, does not point to true north. The north point it shows is known as magnetic north.

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