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  1. The Subject Matter
  2. Themes


The Subject Matter

The story is about the fulfillment of the prophecy that the kingdom will be taken away from Manfred in spite of his effort to retain the kingdom.



1. Prophecy/Revelation

It is prophesied and revealed that in the family of Manfred, all qualified heirs to the throne will always die prematurely.

2. Inheritance

It is the central theme which centers on Manfred as the lord who want s his son to inherit his throne. To achieve this, he plans to marry Isabella for him, but unfortunately, Conrad dies at age 15. Manfred does not give up, however as he decides to marry Isabella just to retain the throne.

3. Curse

This theme in the novel when revealed that in the family of Manfred, every eligible heir to the throne dies ever before getting there. For example, Conrad.

4. Supernatural Threat

This manifests when a giant appears on the wall of the castle and disappears afterwards.

Lesson tags: Literature in English Lesson Notes, Literature in English Objective Questions, SS1 Literature in English, SS1 Literature in English Evaluation Questions, SS1 Literature in English Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 Literature in English Objective Questions, SS1 Literature in English Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 Literature in English Third Term
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