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  1. Meaning of Ecology
  2. Ecological Concepts
  3. Components of an Ecosystem
  4. Local Biotic Communities or Biomes


Meaning of Ecology

Ecology is the study of living organisms in relation to their environment.

The study deals with the relationship of living organisms with one another and with the environment in which they live. Ecology measures factors affecting the environment; it studies the distribution of living organisms and how they depend on one another and their non-living environment for their survival.

Ecology is divided into two

(i) Autecology which is the study of a single individual organism or a single species of organism and their environment. E.g. the study of Tilapia fish in a particular stream.

(ii) Synecology which is the study of inter–relationships between groups of organisms or species of organisms living together in an area. E.g. the study of all organisms in a particular stream in relation to their environment.

Ecological Concepts

1. Environment: This refers to all the factors in an organism’s surroundings, living or non-living.

Lesson tags: Biology Lesson Notes, Biology Objective Questions, SS1 Biology, SS1 Biology Evaluation Questions, SS1 Biology Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS1 Biology Objective Questions, SS1 Biology Objective Questions Second Term, SS1 Biology Second Term
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