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  1. Types of Changes in Non-living Things


Types of Changes in Non-living Things

Non-living matter undergo changes i.e they can be made to change from one state to another. They can be made to form new substances. Changes in non-living things can be classified into physical changes and chemical changes.


Physical Changes

Physical changes are changes in which no new substances are formed. A physical change is a temporary change, It is reversible. The composition of the new substance does not change when undergoing a physical change. Examples are:

1. Melting of candle wax.

2. Dissolution of salt in water to form a salt solution.

Salt + Water right pointing arrow Salt solution

3. All changes in state of matter are physical changes. Such as, vapourization of liquid to gases.

Lesson tags: Basic Science Lesson Notes, Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Basic Science First Term, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions First Term
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