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  1. Meaning of Co-operative Societies
  2. Types of Co-operative Societies
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Co-operative Societies

Meaning of Cooperative Societies

A cooperative society exists when groups of workers, individuals, organizations, farmers or communities pull their resources together towards a common goal. Unlike the partnership form of business organisation, there is no maximum number of persons that can form a co-operative society. The main purpose of the cooperative society is to sell goods and services to members at a cheap rate, and do business together for profit purpose and share the profits among the members.

Types of Cooperative Societies

The common types of cooperative societies are: (a) Producers Cooperative (b) Consumers Cooperative  

(a) Producers Cooperative

Producers form a common association in order to sell their products in a uniform price instead of selling individually, e.g. producers of yam, garri, cocoa etc may form a cooperative society for the selling of their products.

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Business Studies, JSS1 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Business Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Business Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 Business Studies Second Term
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