- Speech Work: Consonant Contrasts /p – f/; /Ʒ – ʃ/; /t – q/; /l – r/; /s – q/; /ʃ – ʧ/
- Vocabulary Development: Word Building Using Prefixes
- Reading Comprehension: It’s so Unfair’ (NOSEC, pages 75 – 77)
- Structure: Expressing Obligation and Necessity Using: must, have to, need, ought to, etc.
- Composition (Oral): “Corruption is Worse than Armed Robbery”
- Literature: Revising Drama (use recommended text)
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Consonant Contrasts /p – f/; /Ʒ – ʃ/; /t – θ/; /l – r/; /s – θ/; /ʃ – ʧ/
ASPECT: Vocabulary Development
TOPIC: Word Building Using Prefixes
Meaning of Prefixes
Prefixes are affixes or parts of words that are added to the front part of words to form another word.
-un, non, dis, mal, mis, rel, pre, ex, sub, etc.
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