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  1. Meaning of Equation
  2. Solving Simple Equations
  3. Translation of Word Problems into Equations and Vice Versa
  4. Word Problems


Meaning of Equation

A sentence or statement says something about numbers written in symbols. Consider, for example, the statement: “I think of a number, I then triple it and add \(4\) to it”. We proceed as follows to write the statement in symbols. Let the number thought of be “\(r\)”, tripling it gives “\(3r\)”, and by adding \(4\) we get “\(3r + 4\)”.

If the result of this process is \(16\), then we have \(3r + 4 = 16\).

This symbolic expression is called a simple equation, with one unknown quantity, \(r\). The expression contains two sides referred to as the left-hand side, \(3r + 4\), and the right-hand side \(16\). The symbol ‘\(=\)’ is called the equality sign, which tells us that what is on the right-hand side is the same as what is on the left-hand side.


Solving Simple Equations


Solve the following equations:

(i) \(x + 8 = 12\)

(ii) \(72 = 9x\)

(iii) \(\frac{x}{2} = 5\)

(iv) \(6 = \frac{1}{5}x\)

(v) \(x -4 = 18\)


(i) \(x + 8 = 12\)

The unknown \(x\) is on the LHS

Since \(8\) is added to \(x\) on the LHS, then we subtract \(8\) from both sides.

Lesson tags: JSS1 Mathematics, JSS1 Mathematics Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Mathematics Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 Mathematics Objective Questions, JSS1 Mathematics Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 Mathematics Second Term, Mathematics Lesson Notes, Mathematics Objective Questions
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