- Speech Work: Speaking to Persuade, Convince and Sway Opinion
- Comprehension: Reading to Pick-out Topic Sentences in Paragraphs and Longer Selection – A Reckless Driver (NOSEC. Pages 187)
- Vocabulary Development: (Suffixes)
- Structure: Adjectival Phrase (Functions)
- Writing Skills: Story Writing
- Summary: Locating the Key Statements – Causes of Fire Disasters (NOSEC. Pg. 217)
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Speaking to Persuade, Convince and Sway Opinion
Speaking to persuade is also known as a persuasive speech. This means a speech specially designed to change or reinforce the beliefs or actions of an audience. The target here is to make the listener(s) or the audience decides to do something by giving them satisfactory reasons why they should do it. The indication here is that the audience may not really want to perform the action. As a result, the need for your speech arises, to convince them, giving them the whys and wherefores of the action.
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