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  1. Meaning of Drug Trafficking
  2. Reasons for Trafficking in Drugs

Meaning of Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking is the illicit or illegal movement of drugs from one place to another which is against internal and international legislation for such practice. Drug trafficking has become common practice in developed and  undeveloped nations which results to the imprisonment of many people. Examples of such hard drugs are: cocaine, heroin and marijuana.

Reasons for Trafficking in Drugs

The following are the reasons for trafficking in drugs:

  1. Poverty
  2. Ignorance
  3. Greed
  4. Unemployment
  5. Negative peer pressure
  6. Lack of self discipline


People who are poor without any concrete means of livelihood and cannot get aid or support from anywhere may  opt to be of help to the  drug barons.


Many people that are involved in the trafficking of drug do not know what it entails and the consequences of such  actions. They just enter into the business just to improve their well-being.

Lesson tags: JSS3 Social Studies, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Social Studies Second Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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