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  1. Work Done in a Force Field
  2. Power
  3. Interchangeability of Work and Energy
  4. Calculations on Work and Power


Work Done in a Force Field

Definition of Work Done

Work done in Physics is simply defined as the product of force and distance moved in the direction of the force. If work done is w, distance covered is s and force is f, then mathematically,

Work done \(= force \times distance \\ W = f \times s\)

The S.I unit of work done is Joules ( J ). Since unit of force ‘F’ is Newton (N), unit of distance ‘s’ is metre, the unit of work done is also Newton-Metre (Nm). Other units are kilojoules and megajoules. Note: If no distance is covered, work done is zero. Work done is a scalar quantity.

Every object on the earth’s surface is under the influence of the force of gravity. This force pulls the object towards its centre. The earth’s gravitational field is an example of force field.

Lesson tags: Physics Lesson Notes, Physics Objective Questions, SS1 Physics, SS1 Physics Evaluation Questions, SS1 Physics Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS1 Physics Objective Questions, SS1 Physics Objective Questions Second Term, SS1 Physics Second Term
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