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  1. Two objects of masses 80kg and 50kg are separated by a distance of 0.2m. If the gravitational constant is 6.6 × 10<sup>-11</sup>Nm<sup>2</sup>kg, calculate the gravitational attraction between them.
  2. What is the gravitational potential due to molecule of mass m at a distance r from it?
  3. The acceleration due to gravity may be defined as the force
  4. Calculate the escape velocity of a satellite launched from the Earth’s surface (Take g as 10ms<sup>-2</sup> and the radius of the earth as 6.4 × 10<sup>6</sup>m)
  5. A rocket of mass m is fired from the Earth’s surface such that it just escapes from the Earth’s gravitational field. If R is the radius of the Earth and g the acceleration of free fall due to gravity, the escape velocity of the rocket is expressed as
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