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  1. Meaning of Content of Social Studies
  2. Social Studies Methods
  3. Components of Social Studies

Meaning of Social Studies Contents

The content of Social Studies include the following:

  1. Facts
  2. Concepts
  3. Generalisation
  4. Skills
  5. Values
  6. Attitude


Facts are things that are verifiable truth about things or happenings around us. Social Studies rely on facts about the society, how the facts are collected and the use of this information for the improvement of the society where we live.


Concepts are general or abstract ideas that we have about things around us. Hence, Social Studies uses concepts like culture, environment, religion, family etc. to make us understand the interaction between man and his environment.


This is simply the formulation of general principles from the detailed facts we know or have about something that has been studied for a reasonable period of time. For example, based on the detailed facts we have about the form of marriage commonly practiced in Africa, we can generalise that polygamy is commonplace in Africa compared with Europe.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Social Studies, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Social Studies Third Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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