CONTENT- Vegetables - Tomato
- Beverages - Cocoa
- Oil - Oil Palm
Tomato: Lycopersicon esculentum
Description of Tomato
This is an annual vegetable crop grown for its fruits. The plant has a weak hairy and triangular stem which bears side branches. It has compound leaves, borne alternately on the stem and branches. Tomato bears yellow flowers; the fruit are green and turn red, pink or yellow when ripe. The fruit can be eaten raw/ cooked, used for soup or stew preparation, or in preparing vegetable salad and other food.Varieties of Tomato
Cultivated varieties of tomato are Roma, Bonny best, Hot set, Ife plum, Romita, money-maker, pork, and local cultivars.Land Preparation for Tomato Cultivation
Land clearing is done manually with cutlass, ridges is made with hoe, or can be prepared by ploughing, harrowing and ridging.Method of Propagation
Propagation is by seed planted either directly or first in nursery and later transfer to the field. The planting could be by drilling or broadcasting.Soil Requirement
It does best in a rich drained loamy soil.Climate
Tomato is a warm season crop and does best under dry condition. Annual rainfall is 750mm. Temperature is between 20ºC to 25ºC.Planting Date
Early September to OctoberSeed Rate
5-10kg of seeds/haNursery Practices
It is done on ground, beds or seed boxes. Seeds are sown in drill 5cm apart and 2.5cm deep Shading, mulching, weeding and watering are done. Nursery last for 3 weeks when the plants are at three leaved stageSpacing
- 60cm × 60cm without staking
- 50cm × 30cm with staking
Transplanting is done after the seedlings have reached about 15-20cm tall. This is about 25-30days. The plants should have attained up to 4-5 leaves stage before transplanting to the field. Planting in the field is 45-60cm between rows and 30-45cm between plants. Transplanting should done in the evening or during cool weather together with the ‘ball of earth’ to ensure survival of the seedlings.Cultural Practices
- Weeding
- Watering (this should be done immediately after transplanting morning and evening)
- Fertilizer application: NPK 15:15:15 and organic manure are necessary
- Staking: this is to enable plants stand erect and prevent lodging. It also allows for good fruiting and keep fruit from disease attack arising from contact with soil.
Harvesting, Processing and Storage
Tomato matures between 2-4 months after planting (from transplanting). Harvesting is done by hand picking and it starts as from two months. For a short period, tomato can be stored in a refrigerator or spread on the floor in an airy room. For a long term storage, tomatoes are turned into paste and cannedPests of Tomato
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