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  1. Meaning of Roof
  2. Types of Common Roof
  3. Roofing Materials

Meaning of Roof

A roof is the top feature in a building structure which provides covering for the entire building and protect any internal decoration or fittings from the weather thereby rendering the house habitable. The roof of a building is supported by frame work of Ridges, Trusses, purling, Rafters, Eaves.

Roofs perform specific functions which include:

  1. Weather Resistance: The roof must be water proof and shield the house from the direct rays of the sun.
  2. Strength: The roof must be strong enough to be able to carry its own weight and the superimposed weight of wind, and foot traffic for a considerable length of time without failing.

Types of Common Roof

  1. Hipped roof: The hipped roof has four slanting surfaces from a peak known as ridge. The construction has a shortening effect on the length of the building visually. The hipped roof is widely used for most houses in Nigeria.

Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Second Term
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