You must complete Meaning and Importance of Ornamental Plants to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Types of Ornamental Plants According to their Uses
  2. Settings and Location for Planting Each Type of Ornamental Plant

Types of Ornamental Plants According to their Uses

Ornamental plants can be used differently due to the different nature and unique features exhibited by these plants. Based on the different uses ornamental plants can be classified into: 1. Hedging plants: These are mainly shrubs and trees often used as hedges in gardens, homes, offices or similar structures. Examples of such plants are:
  • Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
  • Alamanda (Allamanda cathartica)
  • Wild Rose (Rosa aciculris)
  • Hibiscus (Hibiscus spp)
  • Ixora (Ixora coccinea)
  • Crotons (Codiaeum variagatum)
2. Bedding plants: These are mostly flowering plants used for decorative or commercial purposes in hones or gardens. An example is

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Second Term
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