- General Consequences of Drug Abuse
- PROBLEMS IN SCHOOL: The child because of negative effects of the drugs, starts having problems like lateness to school, poor memory, sleeping while lesson is going on, fighting, bullying disobedience, stubbornness, dishonesty, telling lies and poor academic
- INCREASED RISK OF SERIOUS INJURIES: This could lead to further abnormalities like poor vision occasional, minor and fatal accidents, and
- VIOLENCE: The victim of drug abuse is prone to violence at the slightest Victims of drug abuse constitute political thugs to many political parties. They constitute the militant wing of the political parties which unleash violence to political opponents or rival political parties.
- SHORT TERM HEALTH PROBLEMS, BRAIN DAMAGES, HYPERTENSION, LIVER DAMAGE: An addicts is always susceptible to health problems which could minor or major, depending on individual natural It could lead to madness, tumour of the brain or of any part of the body or loss of liver function or malfunction of the kidney.
- LOSS OF CONTROL: Abuse of drug can lead to loss of The person can no longer be in control of himself and messes up in the public.
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