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  1. Ways of Discouraging Drug Abuse

Ways of Discouraging Drug Abuse

Ways of discouraging drug abuse is the same as prevention of drug abuse or solution to the social problem of drug abuse. Drug abuse should be discouraged through:

  1. FORMATION OF DRUG FREE CLUB: Members of this club will be able to educate others about the dangers of drug abuse and this will go a long way to reduce drug abuse in the society.
  2. CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF TIME: Constructive use of one’s leisure time on activities like reading good books, attending Godly religious fellowship, studying the Bible, learning new skills, developing one’s vocational skills and talents, sports and recreational activities etc. will keep individuals away from tendencies that lead drug-abuse.
  3. ACQUIRING COPING SKILLS: People should be thought to acquire useful skills they can coop with to avoid getting confused and maladjusted situation that may end them up in drug abuse.
  4. EDUCATION: Both young and old persons should be educated on the danger of drug abuse.
  5. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION: Since drug abuse goes beyond national boundaries, the government of Nigeria should join hands with the government of other countries to fight it.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Social Studies, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Social Studies Third Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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