CONTENT- Meaning of Crop Pests
- Classification of Crop Pests
- Name and Description of Important Insect Pests
Meaning of Crop Pests
A pest can be described as an organism, whether plant or animal, which causes economic damage to crop plants, livestock, man and his possessions. They attack crops on the field as well as in the store. They may harm crops directly or introduce diseases into them. Examples of pests are insects, rodents, higher parasitic plants, etc.Classification of Crop Pests
Pests are classified in different ways as follows:- Insect pests
- Non-insect pests
Insect Pests
These are the most serious pests of agricultural importance, and the group includes all insects which cause damages to crops and crop products. Examples of insect pests are grass hopper, weevils, beetles, white flies, termites, crickets and locusts. They feed on crops either on the field or in the store.Non-insect Pests
These are organisms other than insects which attack and feed on crops. They cause a lot of damages to crops though they are not as many as insect pests. Examples of non-insect pests include rodents like giant rats, grass cutter, monkeys, nematodes and birds.
Classification of Insect Pests Based on Mouth Parts/Mode of Feeding
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