You must complete The Reception Office to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Duties of a Receptionist
  2. How to receive and treat visitors
  3. Procedure involved in answering a telephone call
  4. Appropriate Dress code
  5. Documents Handled by a Receptionist


Duties of a Receptionist

The following are the duties of a receptionist in an organization:

  1. Receiving and welcoming visitors into an organization.
  2. Directing and helping visitors to the right department or unit that they are looking for.
  3. Handling telephone calls.
  4. Making appointment with visitors.
  5. Keeping a record of callers and taking down messages.
  6. Maintaining confidentiality as some visitors may request for too much information which need not to be disclosed to an outsider.
  7. To file documents and record keeping.
  8. Forwarding phone calls.
  9. Keeping the reception area or office tidy.
  10. To sort and distribute mails.
  11. They may handle book keeping, prepare invoices and handle payments made by cash or credit card.
  12. They also book rooms for meeting or venue  for conference.

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Business Studies First Term, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions First Term
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