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  1. Definition of Work Ethics
  2. Characteristics of Good Work Ethics
  3. How to Inspire Others to Have Strong Good Work Ethics
  4. How to Develop Good Work Ethics

Definition of Work Ethics

Work ethics is a value based on hard work and diligence. Work ethics may include being reliable, having initiative, or pursuing new skills.

Characteristics of Good Work Ethics

The following are the characteristics of good work ethics:
  1. Reliability: It goes hand in hand with a good work ethic. If individual with a good ethic say they are going to attend a work function or arrive at a certain time, they do, as they value punctuality.
  2. Dedication: Those with a good ethic are dedicated to their jobs and will do anything they can to ensure that they perform well.
  3. Productivity: Individuals with a good work ethic are often highly productive
  4. Cooperation: Since workers recognize the usefulness of cooperative practices such as teamwork, they often put an extensive amount of effort into working well with others.
  5. Character: Those with a good work ethic often also possess generally strong character. This means they are self-disciplined, pushing themselves to complete work tasks instead of requiring others to intervene.

How to Inspire Others to Have Strong and Good Work Ethics

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Third Term
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