Introduction to Fishery

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<h1><strong>FISHERY</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Fishery</li> <li>Examples of Fish</li> <li>Classification of Fish</li> <li>Other Types of Aquatic Organisms</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Definition of Fishery</strong></h2> Fishery refers to the management and production of fish and other aquatic animals. Of all animals living in water, <strong>fish</strong> is the most plentiful of them. Fish belongs to the group of aquatic vertebrates i.e. they have back bones. They are specially adapted to live, raised and reproduced in water. The shape of their body enables them to move easily in water; swim bladder helps them to maintain their balance while the gills are used for respiration. All aquatic animals are found in water bodies such as lakes, pond, streams, rivers, oceans, lagoons and swamps. Other aquatic animals include whales, dolphins, shrimps, lobster, hippopotamus etc.<img class="size-full wp-image-36430 aligncenter" src="" alt="Introduction to Fishery - Parts of a fish (diagram)" width="599" height="299" /> <br> <strong>Parts of a Fish (Diagram)</strong> <br> <h2><strong>Examples of Fish</strong></h2> Some examples of fish are: <ol> <li>Cat fish</li> <li>Mud fish</li> <li>Nile perch</li> <li>Rays</li> <li>Shark</li> <li>Mackerel</li> <li>carps tilapia</li> <li>Croaker etc.</li> </ol> <img class="size-full wp-image-36431 aligncenter" src="" alt="Introduction to Fishery - Examples of fish" width="408" height="364" /> <br> <h2><strong>Classification of Fish</strong></h2>

Source Documents

<h1><strong>SOURCE DOCUMENTS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Systems of Book-keeping</li> <li>Meaning of Sources Documents</li> <li>Examples of Source Documents</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Systems of Book-keeping</strong></h2> Bookkeeping has two major system used by businesses and other organisations. These include: <ol> <li>Single-entry system: This uses only income and expenses accounts, recorded primarily in revenue and expenses journal.</li> <li>Double-entry system: This requires posting each transaction twice, using debits and credits. This study will be limited to single entry system.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Meaning of Sources Documents</strong></h2> These are documents in which original business transactions are first recorded before been transferred into subsidiary books of account. <h2><strong>Examples of Source Documents</strong></h2> Examples of source documents are:

Agro-Allied Industries and Relationship between Agriculture and Industry

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<h1><strong>AGRO-ALLIED INDUSTRIES AND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Agro-allied Industries</li> <li>Agro-allied Industries and their Raw Materials</li> <li>Industries that Produce Farm Inputs</li> <li>Relationship between Agriculture and Industries</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Agro-allied Industries</strong></h2> The term <em>agro-allied industries</em> refers to industries that make use of agricultural produce or products as raw material to produce other finished products. It also refers to the produce that the farmers use as an input in the farm. The continuous existence of these industries is made possible through the raw material derived from agriculture. These industries help to; <ol> <li>provide market for agricultural products;</li> <li>provide employment opportunities;</li> <li>generate income for the government;</li> <li>influence or enhance development of rural areas;</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Agro-allied Industries and their Raw Materials</strong></h2> The following industries make use of agricultural produce or products as raw materials:

Pests of Crops

<h1>PESTS OF CROPS</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Crop Pests</li> <li>Classification of Crop Pests</li> <li>Name and Description of Important Insect Pests</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Crop Pests</h2> A pest can be described as an organism, whether plant or animal, which causes economic damage to crop plants, livestock, man and his possessions. They attack crops on the field as well as in the store. They may harm crops directly or introduce diseases into them. Examples of pests are insects, rodents, higher parasitic plants, etc.   <h2>Classification of Crop Pests</h2> Pests are classified in different ways as follows: <ol> <li>Insect pests</li> <li>Non-insect pests</li> </ol>   <h3>Insect Pests</h3> These are the most serious pests of agricultural importance, and the group includes all insects which cause damages to crops and crop products. Examples of insect pests are grass hopper, weevils, beetles, white flies, termites, crickets and locusts. They feed on crops either on the field or in the store.   <h3>Non-insect Pests</h3> These are organisms other than insects which attack and feed on crops. They cause a lot of damages to crops though they are not as many as insect pests. Examples of non-insect pests include rodents like giant rats, grass cutter, monkeys, nematodes and birds. <img class="size-full wp-image-53333 aligncenter" src="" alt="Pests of Crops - Non-insect pests" width="650" height="139" />   <h3>Classification of Insect Pests Based on Mouth Parts/Mode of Feeding</h3>

Agricultural Finance

<h1>AGRICULTURAL FINANCE</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Agricultural Finance</li> <li>Definition of Agricultural Finance</li> <li>Importance of Agricultural Finance</li> <li>Sources of Agricultural Finance</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Agricultural Finance</h2> It should be noted that all agricultural activities requires fiscal cash for effective farming activities. In most cases the cash has to be raised by the farmers, and where he cannot, he source for them. The loans which can be: Short, medium or long terms are paid by the farmers with interest. Farmers face a lot of problems in order to obtain the loan as they are required to provide collateral security or to pay high interest rate. Due to the nature of agricultural activities, such as (a) The risk involve (b) The long period it takes for maturity and (c) The yield at times not encouraging most financial institutions do not give loans to the farmers   <h2>Definition of Agricultural Finance</h2> This is the process of sourcing, acquiring and application of capital in agricultural business. OR Agricultural financing can also be defined as the acquisition or procurement and use of capital for the purpose of production, processing and marketing of agricultural products. It deals with the supply and demand of fund in agricultural sector economy A farmer must have money to carry out his farming activities.   <h2>Importance of Agricultural Financing</h2> <ol> <li>it enables the farmers to carry out production on a daily basis</li> <li>it helps the farmers to pay wages and other expenses</li> <li>it enables the farmers to adjust to changing economic conditions</li> <li>it increases the efficiency of production</li> <li>it ensures timeliness of operation</li>

The Circulatory System of Farm Animals

<h1>ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION OF FARM ANIMALS</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Circulatory System</li> <li>Functions of the Blood</li> <li>Pulmonary Circulation</li> <li>Systematic Circulation</li> <li>Differences between Artery and Vein</li> </ol>   <h2>The Circulatory System</h2> The circulatory system is made possible by blood and heart including arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart is the main organ and the pumping station of the blood. The pumping action is referred to as heartbeat, the heart is made up of tough muscles called the cardiac muscles and they are located in the pericardium region of the thoracic cavity.   <h2>Functions of the Blood</h2> The functions of blood in the body of animals include the following: <ol> <li>It transports food, including vitamins.</li> <li>It carries oxygen to all parts of the body.</li> <li>It protects the body against diseases.</li> <li>It transports chemical regulators.</li> <li>It maintains the temperature of the body.</li>

Types of Agricultural Practices in the Localities

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<h1><strong>TYPES OF AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES IN THE LOCALITIES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Pastoral Farming</li> <li>Arable Farming</li> <li>Mixed Farming</li> <li>Taungya Farming</li> <li>Fish Farming</li> <li>Livestock Farming</li> <li>Shifting Cultivation</li> <li>Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing</li> <li>Crop Rotation</li> </ol>   <h2>1.<strong> Pastoral Farming</strong></h2> This system involves the rearing of animals that feed/graze on forage crops (grasses and legumes), such as goats, sheep and cattle. Pastoral farming could take any of these three forms: <ul> <li>Ranching</li> <li>Nomadic herding</li> <li>Ley farming</li> </ul> <img class="size-full wp-image-31948 aligncenter" src="" alt="Types of Agricultural Practices in the Localities - Pastoral farming" width="540" height="197" /> <h3><strong>Ranching</strong></h3> In this system, large numbers of animals are kept o a large expanse of enclosed land which may be under natural vegetation or planted pasture. The animals are allowed to move freely and graze within the confinement (Ranch). It is possible to adopt rotational grazing especially where the ranch is divided into sections/paddocks. An example of ranch in Nigeria is Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state. <h4><strong>Advantages of Ranching</strong></h4> <ol> <li>Pasture and water are available all through the year.</li> <li>The animals are better managed and more protected from pests, diseases and death.</li> <li>Good quality animals are produced due to proper breeding programme.</li> </ol> <h4><strong>Disadvantages of Ranching </strong></h4> <ol> <li>It is expensive to manage a ranch.</li> <li>It will be difficult to give individual attention to each animal kept in the ranch.</li> <li>Outbreak of disease may wipe out the entire stock.</li> </ol>

Uses of Farm Animals

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<h1><strong>USES OF FARM ANIMALS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Uses of Farm Animals</li> <li>Products and By-products of Farm Animals</li> <li>Summary of the Uses of Farm Animals</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Uses of Farm Animals</strong></h2> Farm animals are reared for the following purposes. They are reared for food, work, clothing, security/protection, sport and recreation, fertilizer, medicine, raw materials and livestock feeds. Let us explain each of the usage briefly. <strong>Food</strong>: Many food products are derived from farm animals. We get products like meat, milk, eggs from farm animals. Also animals’ by-products like feathers, bones, blood, droppings/dung, fat/oil are derived from farm animals. Food products and by-products from farm animals are very useful to man and industries. <strong>Work</strong>: Bigger farm animals can be used to work in the farm. Bullocks can be used to draw working machinery like ploughs, harrows, and ridgers while cultivating the soil. Donkey, camels are used to carry farm loads, while horse is used for transportation.

Uses and Maintenance of Farm Structures and Buildings

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<h1><strong>USES OF FARM STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS; MAINTENANCE OF FARM STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Uses of Farm Structures</li> <li>Uses of Farm Buildings</li> <li>Maintenance of Farm Structures and Buildings</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Uses of Farm Structures</strong></h2> The following are some farm structures and their uses: <strong>Silo: </strong>It is used for storing harvested grains like maize, cowpea, sorghum, millet and grasses to feed animals. <img class="size-full wp-image-36302 aligncenter" src="" alt="Uses of farm structures - Silos" width="225" height="185" /> <strong>Cribs: </strong>Cribs are used for drying and storing maize which are still on the cob/unshelled maize (dual purpose) <strong>Rhumbus: </strong>It is used for storing grains but in small quantity such as millet, maize, cowpea, sorghum and ground nut. <strong>Feed mills: </strong>They are used to manufacture animal feeds. <strong>Barns: </strong>Barns are used for storing crops like yam, cocoyam, cassava, as well as grass or hay. <strong>Animal dips: </strong>They are used as bath for farm animals to prevent them from ecto-parasites such lice, ticks, etc.   <h2><strong>Uses of Farm Buildings</strong></h2> The following are some farm buildings and their uses:

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