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  1. Meaning of Livestock Management
  2. Requirements for Livestock Management
  3. Systems of Raising Livestock
  4. Cattle Management: Requirements for Cattle Management; Breeds of Cattle; Systems of Cattle Management; Economic Importance of Cattle; Management Practices in Cattle Production;
  5. Poultry Management: Definition of Poultry; Importance of Poultry; Breeds of Domestic Fowl; Names of Different Types of Poultry; Systems of Poultry Production; Housing in Poultry Management; Feeding in Poultry Management; Hygiene in Poultry Management; Other Management Practices in Poultry
  6. Pig Rearing: Breeds of Pigs; Systems of Rearing Pigs; Housing in Pig Rearing; Feeding in Pig Rearing; Common Diseases of Pigs;
  7. Rabbits Rearing: Breeds of Rabbits; Housing in Rabbits Rearing; Feeding in Rabbits Rearing; Hygiene in Rabbits Rearing; Importance of Rabbit Rearing; Problems Militating against Rabbit Production in Nigeria; Common Diseases of Rabbit
  8. Goats Rearing: Importance of Keeping Goats; Factors Responsible for the Success of Goat Production; Breeds of Goats; Exotic Breeds of Goats; Systems Used for Goats Keeping; Housing in Goats Rearing; Feeding in Goats Rearing; Feeding in Goats Rearing; Hygiene in Goats Rearing
  9. Sheep Rearing: Breeds of Sheep; Housing in Sheep Rearing; Feeding in Sheep Rearing; Hygiene in Sheep Rearing

Meaning of Livestock Management

Livestock management refers to the activities carried out by a farmer in his effort to raise farm animals from day old to the point of marketing or disposing the animals. It involves the provision and maintenance of adequate housing, good feeding, sanitation and medicare.  

Requirements for Livestock Management

In order to successfully manage livestock for maximum benefits, the following factors (requirements) have to be made available:
  1. Water
  2. Housing in good location with the necessary equipment
  3. Favorable climatic conditions
  4. Knowledge of the breed of animals to be produced
  5. Knowledge of pests and diseases the affect the proposed animals
  6. The technical expertise about the animals to rear
  7. Nearness to market, good (motorable) roads and storage facilities
  8. Finance available for the operating farmers

Systems of Raising Livestock

There are three systems of raising livestock
  1. Extensive or free range system
  2. Semi-intensive system
  3. Intensive system

Extensive or Free Range System

In this system, animals are left to search for food for themselves. It is the oldest and traditional method of rearing animal practiced generally in Nigeria.  

Semi-intensive System

In semi-intensive system animals are raised partly indoor and partly outdoor. Some housing and feeding are basically provided for the animal but they freely look for food and water most part of the day. Supplementary feeding is usually provided in form of concentrates,minerals, vitamins, salt licks within the shelter are provided for them.  

Intensive System

This is the system whereby animals are restricted or confined within a pen or a cage and all feeding, watering, medication, vaccination and other management are provided.  

Cattle Management

Requirements for Cattle Management They belong to the group of known as Bovidae. These are ruminants which are reared for meat, milk hide and skin, blood, bone and for work. Livestock managment - Requirement for cattle management

Breeds of Cattle

1. Beef Cattle: This type of breed are reared purposely for meat. Examples include;

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Third Term
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