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  1. Meaning of Demand and Law of Demand
  2. The Demand Schedule and Demand Curve
  3. Factors Affecting the Demand for Agricultural Produce
  4. Movement along the Demand Curve
  5. Shift in Demand Curve
  6. Elasticity of Demand
  7. Meaning of Supply and Law of Supply
  8. The Supply Schedule and Supply Curve
  9. Factors Affecting the Supply of Agricultural Produce
  10. Elasticity of Supply
  11. Price Determination

Meaning of Demand

Demand can be defined as the quantity of a commodity that an individual is willing and able to buy at a specific price within a given period of time. Demand is more than the desire to have something. It must be backed with the ability to pay the price.  

The Law of Demand

This law states that there is inverse relationship between the price and the quantity of produce demanded. It therefore means that the higher the price the lower the quantity demanded.  

The Demand Schedule

Makes the law of demand explicit. It shows the relationship between the price and the quantity of the commodity demanded. Demand schedule shows the amount of a commodity that a person will buy at various prices in a given period.

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Third Term
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