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The Meaning of Motion

Motion can be defined as the change in position of objects. This is a common phenomenon in nature. The moon moves, we humans move from one place to another. It is also a common practice for various components of a mechanical system to move relatively to one another. Examples include: the needle of a sewing machine at work, the tyre of a moving car, etc.

Types of Motion

Mechanical systems are commonly engaged in different types of motion of which the first two will be discussed:

  1. Linear motion
  2. Rotary motion
  3. Oscillatory motion
  4. Reciprocating motion
  5. Intermittent motion
  6. Irregular motion

Linear Motion

Linear motion can be defined as a change in position in a straight line, like the motion of the needle of the sewing machine or motion of a crane being hauled up using a pulley. There are different types/parts of a mechanical system that exhibit this type of motion. They include;


Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Basic Technology First Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions First Term
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