- Basic Interpretation of the Rule of Law
- The Main Principles and Features of the Rule of Law
- Other Principles and Features of the Rule of Law
- Problems of Application of the Rule of Law
- Factors that Can Ensure the Operation of the Rule of Law
Basic Interpretation of the Rule of Law
Rule of Law is the absolute supremacy or predominance of the law over everybody – both rulers and the ruled and all decisions taken in a country.
According to professor A.V. Dicey (a Briton), a professor of English law who developed and popularize the phrase “Rule of Law” in his book titled “Introduction to the Law of the Constitution” published in 1885, “those entrusted with the administration of a country should rule or exercise their authority in accordance with the established law of the land and such established law should be regarded as supreme”. The phrase has other phrases like “that no citizen can be punished except as prescribed by the law; which means that no one can be punished without trial.
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