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  1. The Meaning of Authority
  2. The Meaning of Constituted Authority
  3. Forms of Constituted Authority
  4. Types of Constituted Authority
  5. Importance of Constituted Authority


The Meaning of Authority

The right or power to give orders and enforce compliance is referred to as authority. It can also be seen as a relationship between persons or forces in which one has the right to give commands to others who see it as a duty to obey. A good example of authority is the authority of a principal over his teachers, which he derives from his office as the principal of the school. Authority is power that is backed by law, rules and regulations. It must be respected because they are backed up by law and people are required to comply.

The Meaning of Constituted Authority

Constituted authority means established authority. It is lawful and constitutional power given to an individual or group to govern a particular place, town, locality, state or federal government. The concept of constituted authority implies that the authority and power are recognized and legitimate.

Lesson tags: Civic Education Lesson Notes, Civic Education Objective Questions, SS1 Civic Education, SS1 Civic Education Evaluation Questions, SS1 Civic Education Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 Civic Education Objective Questions, SS1 Civic Education Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 Civic Education Third Term
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